So-Called “Right to Work” laws are bad for Pennsylvania

Do not be mislead by the name; So-Called “Right to Work” only hurts workers
Throughout the nation, workers’ rights are under attack through the enactment So-Called “Right to Work” law. These laws undermine labor unions and ultimately lead to the loss of good-paying jobs. At its core, So-Called “Right to Work” laws eliminate the share fair fee, which makes sure everyone, including non-union members, who benefit from union representation through higher wages, better benefits and job protections, pay their fair share to cover the costs of representation, collective bargaining, contract enforcement and other related costs. By law, unions are required to represent nonmembers and members alike, and this representation costs money.Essentially, So-Called “Right-to-Work” laws restrict freedom of association by prohibiting workers and employers from agreeing to contracts with fair share fees and forcing dues-paying union members to subsidize services to non-union employees.
Corporate Interest Groups Push So-Called “Right-to-Work” Laws
Supporters of these laws claim that they protect workers against being forced to join a union. However, under federal law, it is illegal to force someone to join a union. Instead of helping workers, So-Called “Right to Work” laws rig the system to corporations instead of workers. Not only do they destroy unions, but they also lead to a less safer working environment, lower wages and a lower level of benefits.In reality, the law strips workers of protections afforded by unions.
The laws are allowed under the 1947 federal Taft–Hartley Act.
So-Called “Right to Work” is a grossly misleading title, created by its supporters and proponents to put a positive spin on the otherwise damaging statute.
So-Called “Right to Work” is wrong for a variety of reasons:
- Hurts workers
- Lower wages
- Poorer level of benefits (healthcare, retirement, etc.)
- Leads to unsafe working conditions
- Decrease the bargaining power of workers
- Destroy unions
- Sponsored by corporations/special interest groups
Know the facts of So-Called “Right-to-Work” laws
These laws do not create jobs, instead they turn good union jobs into bad non-union jobs. According to the IBEW:- Wages in So-Called “Right to Work” states are at least 3.2 percent lower than in states without the law.
- The rate of employer-sponsored health insurance is at least 2.6 percent lower in So-Called “Right to Work” states.
- The rate of employer-sponsored pensions is at least 4.8 percent lower in So-Called “Right to Work” states.
- The poverty rate is at least 2.3 percent higher in So-Called “Right to Work” states.
- Federal law already prohibits any American from being forced to join a union.
- So-Called “Right to Work” laws do not grant any rights, they simply weaken unions.
- Federal law prohibits unions from using member or non-member fees to pay for activities that might violate the political or religious beliefs of a worker.
- States without So-Called “Right to Work” laws have a healthier tax base.
- So-Called “Right to Work” laws disproportionately harm women. Women, who are union members earn on average $149 more per week than non-union women.
- So-Called “Right to Work” laws disproportionately harm people of color. Hispanic and Latino union members earn 45 percent more and African-Americans who are in unions see salaries 30 percent higher than those who are not in unions.
- So-Called “Right to Work” laws undercut unionized businesses in the states where they exist because non-union businesses can offer cheaper goods and services by exploiting their workers.